Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Torn Paper Collage (4/20/10)

   by: Ela Villarreal, Romina Vazquez, Rolynda Tienda, and Mary Garcia

Our project presentation was the Torn Paper Collage which was invented by Hans Arp. This art started by Hans Arp also known as Jean Arp it was created during the surrealism movement. Surrealism was started in France and later it spread across Europe this type of art expressed a positive philosophy. Hans thought that it would be interesting to mix chance into his art and so he did. One of his famous torn paper art was Torn-Up Woodcut which was similar to our game. He just dropped several pieces of painted paper and paste it them the way they fell on the paper. He saw this as fascinating because you never knew what you could come up with.For our game we passed out magazines and newspapers and asked the class to tear it up into any shape and drop it onto a butcher paper that was already slathered with glue. The papers are to land on the butcher paper at random, they are not to be fixed or altered. After this was completed, we handed out small sheets of paper and asked the class to interpret the image of the collage.
By: Romina Vazquez

Responses: related ones
Most people had some great ideas. Our game is based on chance and randomness; never knowing what to expect when the papers fall, a form of art.
  • "Chance"
  • Random
  • Information
  • Everything is unique, different emotions
  • Probability
  • A moving cloud through the darkness
  • Soup of photos
  • Entropy
  • Color
  • Interaction
By: Mary Garcia
The reasoning for this game is to use you visual interpretations and visualize an image within an image. Everything is based on chance and randomness because you can create anything you wish to create. It uses a lot of your imagination for the interpretation process because many individuals can see different things. The reason why Arp created this game was to use different materials to create something out of anything and use your mind to reassemble or interpret something deeper within the collage. This game is about the mind and creativity of what chance can bring.
By: Ela Villarreal
Pictures taken and posted By : Rolynda Tienda

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